Vulnerable Machine - Stapler

Exploit Method 1 Walkthrough

Stapler is a “boot to root” VM hosted on the Vulnhub website. Boot to root challenges are designed for penetration testers and hackers who want to build their skills and have fun at the same time. The goal is to find a way to hack into the virtual machine, get... [Read More]
Tags: Purple Team, Red Team

FISMA and NIST Notes

Focus - Risk Management Framework

FISMA: Federal Information Security Management Act Standards used by ALL federal agencies to categorize all information and information systems based on risk levels. Guidelines recommending the types of information and information systems to be included in each category. Minimum information security requirements (management, operational, and technical controls). Defines three objectives:... [Read More]
Tags: Blue Team, Compliance

Insight into SecOps

Purple by default

Taking a break from our regularly scheduled Microsoft deep dive, I bring you some insight into daily Security Operations. In a world where we’re hired to be a traditional blue teamer, if we have the drive, we often have the opportunity end up becoming a purple teamer (Red + Blue!)... [Read More]
Tags: Purple Team, Blue Team, Insight